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Founder's Welcome


At Liberty Youth Academy we believe that each child is unique and is known and loved by a Heavenly Father who sent them to this Earth with a special, individualized mission. They deserve an individualized education that is equal to the task.


Our job and pledge as educators is to assist parents in educating their children in light and truth in all areas of study and within the context of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive to help each child discover their unique, God given gifts, talents and abilities that will aid them in their purpose and mission for which they were sent to earth.

Stephanie Dale

Educational Philosophy


Each child is unique and our commitment to small class sizes allows our amazing teachers to teach individuals, not classes.


Mentorship is the art of helping students come to their own conclusions and teaching them how to learn and think, not what to think. Open ended questions intended to develop these important critical thinking skills are an integral part of the curriculum. When students ask questions, teachers help them find their own answers rather than just giving them the answer. Mentorship is about teaching students how to fish.

Faith Based

All subjects are taught from the perspective of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Truth is truth and should not be subdivided or compartmentalized. God's hand can be seen throughout creation and throughout history, and we look for His hand in all we study.


Through the study of classics, we come face-to-face with great leaders, thinkers, statesmen, women and men of the past. These great works, packed with golden nuggets of timeless truth, become companions for our students as they face their own challenges and accomplish their unique missions.


The world needs leaders, men and women of integrity and faith who are able to apply timeless truths and principles to solve new challenges. Our mission, our curriculum, and our entire educational philosophy centers on building the leaders our world so desperately needs. 

American Founding

Although we study all of history, the American Founding holds a special place in our hearts. In no other period of time can you find so many examples of what classically trained leaders, men and women of integrity and virtue, can accomplish when they bring timeliness truths to bear on a new challenge. What they accomplished literally changed the world, and they are incredible role models for our children.


Multi-grade classrooms provide a rich environment where younger students are inspired to reach higher as they observe the older students, and older students are given opportunities to practice leadership qualities they learn through the study of classics, history, and scripture. 

Values We Teach

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Work Ethic

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"And all thy children shall by taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children." ~Isaiah 54:13

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Liberty Youth Academy

EIN: 87-3694236

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